Saturday, 31 January 2009


Okay, so as you all know stardoll has a new entering page, I guess you could call it that. And its all good and well, but just one part of it makes me want to just like rip the hair out of my head. On the top left corner of the page, it says the word 'free'. The is actually the funniest thing I've ever read, and a what a load of bull crap it is. As if anything on stardoll worth buying is "free". You have to pay real money for everything, and it's just a bit hypocritical of them. Whatever, I'm just being really analytical but still, its annoying!

Make Up Tutorial

If you try this tutorial, sign my Gb and tell mee. You'll be featured ASAP.

My cuties

Hey everyone!
So me and Stacy have finally started officially posting lol. We're gonna be posting some more throughout the day so come back for more, girls (and boys)!

I want to thank some of my awesome friends......

and yooitspayton

Can everyone please take a moment to remember Mika's hamster, Caramel.

August 06 - January 09

Love you
Maya x

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

The wait is over...

Heyy guys!
Look out, cause' here we come! The blog you've been waiting for, is finally here. Tune in on [Haha no not really tune in, just go to this site] on JAN 31st! Trust me, it'll bl-ow your mindd!

Blog Premiere:
When: Jan 31st, Saturday
Where: Here [DUH]
Why: Its going to be hot
What: Our very first posts
Who: Maya [K.O.O.K.S] and Stacy [Starszn]

Thursday, 22 January 2009