Tuesday, 3 February 2009


Yao-zaa! I just saw the new line of DKNY that just came out, and honestly I was really disappointed. Like seriously, where has all the creativity into making virtual clothes gone? The colors are dull, boring, and the designs are just god awful. Out of the whole collection, maybe one or two peices caught my eye, the rest was just duplicate design but different color. We've been waiting 3 months for this, and it is a total and complete let down. Oh and I won't pay 18 SD for a dress and 9 SD for shoes. So there you have it, the new dkny line; Dull, boring, horrific, AND expensive.

The shoes are pretty hot :]


  1. I like it.
    But The Old D K N Y Is honestly better--in my opinion :]

  2. I don't know why everyone is dissing it, I like it. The shoes are AMAZING and the dresses are adorable! The jacket is HOT and everything else is too bad either. I think stardoll have done a pretty good job.

  3. ''is too bad either''

    I meant to say isn't too bad either.

